Comboinstruments, Digital Hygrometer/Thermometer with Temperature Sensor HTC2


Take control over your climate and measure temperature and humidity with this digital thermo/hygrometer from Comboinstruments!


The Comboinstruments Digital Hygrometer/Thermometer HTC2 is a multifunctional weather station with an LCD display with an internal sensor. It is very simple to use, with three buttons on the front panel, we can set the time date and set the alarm, and display the temperature and humidity. In addition, on the back, there is a button to change the displayed Celsius (ºC) or fahrenheit (ºF) temperature.


It measures temperature and humidity
Range: -50°C + 70°C
Selection: ° C / ° F
Accuracy: ± 1 ° C RH ± 5%
Battery: 1xAAA
LCD display
Easy installation and use




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